How do I prepare for my first hearing aid appointment?

You’ve made an appointment to get your hearing tested. Now what?

It’s common to feel nervous or even anxious about your first appointment with a hearing health provider. However, there’s no better way to spend this waiting period than preparing. You will ensure your meeting goes smoothly, and confidently take this next step towards better quality of life.  

Pay Attention to Where You Have Difficulty Hearing

Your hearing aid specialist is going to ask you about situations in which you have trouble understanding clearly. Whether this be while watching television, listening to podcasts, catching up with family over the phone or Skype, or in conversations out at dinner, pay attention to if you miss parts of the conversation. This is normal, and differs among people. There is no “one size fits all” solution to hearing loss; instead, there are pre-programmed channels on hearing aids for each individual, that can automatically switch based on your environment.

Pack a notepad, and write down questions you have beforehand

As with any medical visit, your first appointment with a hearing aid specialist may be full of information you want to remember. From your hearing test results, to recommendations on how to protect your ears, to different accessories you could use to supplement your lifestyle, there are many reasons why you may want to bring a notepad. There may be words or phrases you want to further research later, or ones you’ve found in your own research, that you’d like the hearing aid specialist to explain more about.

Writing down questions you have ahead of your appointment in real time can be invaluable for your first appointment, because you’re writing them down as you experience them. This makes for more astute observations, and a more customized approach to programming your hearing aids in the long run.

Decide Who You Want to Bring

Often, new clients like to bring along a good friend, spouse, or child to give them encouragement. Many times, the friendly face can create a calmer environment, and ask questions about the process that you yourself may not have thought of.

Read (More) Blogs

By reading “What to Expect” blogs like this one, you’re preparing yourself for the unknown. There are dozens of hearing blogs online with information on hearing loss, hearing aids, hearing accessories, and more. If you can’t find the information you want, call your hearing aid provider. They’re the experts after all, and will appreciate your concern and enthusiasm.



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