Try It. Take home a pair of Flex:trial hearing aids risk free on your first visit
Wear It. Try your hearing aids at work and home with no cost or commitment
Love It. Decide if you love your hearing aids, or walk away and you owe nothing
Sound too good to be true? Meet Nanette:
We at Acousticon are extremely proud to provide the Unitron Flex:trial program. With a Flex:trial instrument, we can program you a customized set of hearing aids on your first visit based on the comprehensive hearing test we conduct in our sound booth, and you can leave them risk free. You can work, travel, spend time with loved ones, and experience the Flex:trial difference. If you love your new hearing aids, you keep them.
If not, there's no cost to you.
HOME | Hours: Mon - Fri, 9:00 - 5:00pm | 607-797-2008 | 75 Riverside Drive, Johnson City, NY 13790